A couple of weeks ago we took zodiacs to Humble Island to see the Giant Petrels and then on the way back to the station we were dropped off at Torgersen in the hopes of seeing penguins. We passed by this small iceberg on the way to Humble (click to see video:
At Humble Island there was still one giant petrel chick that hadn't fledged yet. The chick is the dark bird and the flying one is the adult.
Giant Petrels on Humble Island |
Two giant petrel adults |
One thing you don't expect to see is moss, and on Humble Island there was a lot of it! From what I remember of Palmer Station and the islands around Palmer there was never this much moss present at this time of year... global warming?
Moss on Humble Island |
More moss on Humble Island |
On Humbel and Torgersen there were a number of elephant seals and fur seals. Elephant seal males have a very large nose, that the females do not have. If you have ever smelled a pig or cow farm in the midwest, then you know what a group of elephant seals smells like.
Female elephant seals and a sheathbill on Humble Island |
Male elephant seal on Humble Island |
Fur seals on Torgersen Island |
Fur seal on Humble Island |
From Torgersen Island you have a good view of the station, which is on Anvers Island.